Monday, September 22, 2008

Online Business Opportunity

Hey Everyone,
I'm just like you! I have responsibilities and financial obligations...and my job is going AWAY in November of 2009. That's right, gone, kaput, outta here.... I work for a large IT concern, and our contract is being bought out. We have NO IDEA whether or not we'll receive any kind of compensation package for hanging around till the end (past performance of our company says, "NO", to that!) And finding another job in this market is extremely difficult. I am only 2 years and 5 months from early retirement, at 62, and the job is going to put me there prematurely.
SO...what to do, what to do? Well, my brother hooked up with an outfit that's doing online affiliate sales with a search engine, and he's going great guns...I mean really making some money, after just 9 weeks. I just signed up and I put out my first online ad campaign yesterday. Why do I tell you this? Because number 1, as I said, my brother's making money...and today, it's ALL ABOUT multiple streams of income. And an online business that doesn't take all of your time and money seems like a great idea to me.
Why do I want to give you this information? Simple...I make money if you join up...and there's plenty of other money to go around in this great internet business. Then you can do the same thing for people that you know and love!
If you're interested...seriously interested, e-mail me at and I'll send you a link that gives you the entire low down. And the best thing about this business is, you can spend as much, or as little, time and money as you want to, to get your ad campaigns going. After an expensive divorce, I don't have a lot of extra cash to throw down a hole...and I'm telling you, even I can afford this. And all of the info is free of charge. This is no e-mail me today....
Talk to you soon!
Steven Chappelle
Duluth, Ga.

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